At the Waterfall

To what extent this will shorten my life is a question
I will not ask. I do not want an answer.
People get older. People forget. People die.
The calendar dictates, you could say, all things.

The waterfall that we visited in the morning
when you were nineteen was not Niagara.
We sat down beside it. Your head was in my lap.
Do you see that girl? She has your eyes.


Michael Cooney lives in Brooklyn, NY and has published poetry and short stories in many literary journals. His first novella, “The Wobbly & The Witch,” was published by Running Wild Press in 2021 and his second novella, “Good Catholic Girl,” by ELJ Editions in 2023 Michael has taught in the New York City public high schools and currently facilitates a writing workshop for the New York Writers Coalition.